Kevin Hogan offers his opinion on "The Secret".
I think he is right on with his criticism of the way it's being promoted.
And I think he is wrong to lump the essence of ideas contained in The Secret with the blatant and obvious commercialization of those ideas. Not that I'm against honest capitalism, but keep it upfront with full disclosure.
If you want to read one of the books that inspired the ideas in The Secret, you can read it FREE online. The book is called "The Master Key System" by Charles Haanel.
Tags: Life, Blog, Articles, Philosophy
Don't be fooled, Kevin Hogan is trying to ride the wave of interest over The Secret to sell his own book and make his own fortune.
The more he berates The Secret, the more teleconfrences he holds to bash it, the more attention he and his own book get - and the more money he makes.
He is a parasite. He makes me sick.
oh, I forgot - never trust anyone who says, "Don't believe that lie, don't buy into The Secret - believe my book , my truth instead" is a just chock full of crap.
He wants people to hire him to speak, he wants to sell you his book.
I know many people who have been left short changed by Kevin Hogan's half-assed seminars.
Most of the 'good reviews' on the net are written by the man himself.
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