Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Was Michael Moore right?

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As I read the news concerning the turning over of major US ports to an Arab controlled company (with White House approval, of course) I am remembering some of the assertions made in a Michael Moore documentary.

Yes, I'm referring to "Fahrenheit 911" by Michael Moore. If you haven't seen it, basically it can be summed up by saying the Bush family and certain Arab families in certain Arab countries are very close business partners.

Now I don't consider myself a "Bush Basher", "Arab Basher", or a "Michael Moore Fan"...BUT, current events seem to add more than a little credibility to Mr. Moore's assertions and conclusions as relayed in his documentary "Fahrenheit 911".

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Saturday, February 18, 2006

Welcome to Brrreeeport

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No, it's not a real place,(if it was it would probably be somewhere in upstate NY, brrr!) but a lot of bloggers are linking to "brrreeeport" as part of an experiment to gain some insight into the way certain search engines function.

If you want to read the article it's called "Brrreeeport: Scoble's Keyword Experiment" and you can find it at WebProNews.com

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